
Pyro Lunch - Comida de Gamón Oct12 Post2

Pirotecnia Turís

Pîrotecnia Virgen de Belen

Jose Luís Gimenez - Pirotecnia Vulcano

Gianpietro Bonardi - Brixia Fireworks - Italia

Fernando Rodrigues - GJR Pirotecnia - Portugal

Gerry Webster - United Kingdom

Rui Martins . Martins & Martins - Portugal

Joao Paulo Ribeiro - Pirotecnia Oleirense - Portugal

Pedro Gonçalves - Pirotecnia de Barbeita - Portugal

Georg Alef - Weco Pyro - Deutschland

Capitan Flores - Cuerpo de la Guardia Civil

Subteniente José Luís Morcillo - Cuerpo de la Guardia Civil

Comisario Juan Carlos García - Cuerpo Nacional de Policía

Superintendente José del Rio - Policía Local Burjasot

José Catalá - Cuerpo Nacional de Policia

Manuel Soler - Cuerpo de la Guardia Civil

Media - Emilio Polo, Mikel Pagola, Braulio Torralba, Paco Varea, Boro Peiró
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Pyro Lunch - Comida de Gamón Oct12 Post1

[ES] Con gran éxito tanto de asistencia y con las mayores felicitaciones por parte de los asistentes, celebramos el pasado Octubre nuestra comida de Gamón.

El almuerzo previo, junto a las charlas técnicas y a los discursos de las autoridades, la jornada transcurrió según lo planificado.

[EN] With a great number of attendees and with congratulations from all our friends, we celebrated last October our Annual Pyro Meeting.
In our office in the morning, and afterwards at the Expo Hotel, including technical speeches and some words from the authorities that joined us during lunch time, the whole day ran smoothly as planned.

José Nebot, Presidente AFAPE
Mª José Lora, Caballer FX
Antonio Ferrández, P Hnos Ferrández
Antonio Gamón
Salvador Armengol, Europlá
Hnos Caballer
Maria Angustias Pérez
Pirotecnia Aitana
Izaskun Astondoa, Piroteknia Astondoa
Estaban Martín, Pirotecnia Martín
Iván Peñalver, Pirotecnia El Gato
Chima Toste, Pirotecnia Hnos Toste
Manuel S Lopez, Pirotencnia Lopez
Bernardo Granados, Pirotecnia Martí
Javier Pablo Martínez Gavín  de Pirotecnia Oscense
Jose Nebot, Pirotecnia Peñarroja
Pedro A. Fernández, Pirotecnia Pibierzo
Ricardo Caballer
Juan Ramon "Ramoncito" Martel, Pirotecnia San Miguel
Miguel Angel Tomás, Pirotecnia Tomás
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XXXIII Festival Pirotecnia Valencia (Actualizado - Updated)

Ya de regreso de las vacaciones y con las pilas a tope, hemos comenzado a organizar el Almuerzo Pirotécnico que todos los años celebramos coincidiendo con el Festival de Pirotecnia Valencia que este año celebra su XXXIII edición.
Las invitaciones ya están mandadas y confiamos contar con todos nuestros clientes y amigos en tan importante fecha tanto para nuestra familia como para la pirotecnia en general.
Sobre el Festival, de momento solo esta confirmada la presencia de la Pirotecnia Europla de Bélgida y estamos pendiente de la confirmación de la otra empresa que acompañara a Salvador Armengol y a todo su equipo en próximos días. Nos han confirmado que el segundo participante será Pirotecnia Caballer.
Adjunto colgamos la carta de invitación que hemos hecho llegar a nuestro clientes. esperamos que os guste.


After some holydays and full of energy, we have started to organise the Pyro Lunch we celebrate every year at the same time than The Festival Fireworks Valencia, that this year will reach his XXXIII edition.
We  printed and sent the invitations to the lunch already, and we are sure we will make a big group of friends and customers to join us in such an important date for our family and for the Pyro World in general.
About the shows, we have the confirmation from Pirotecnia Europla, that will open the night. We are still waiting to know the second company that will join Salvador Armengol and his team, in the next few days. The second company on the Festival will be Pirotecnia Caballer.
We uploaded a copy of the invitation that we have sent to our customers. We hope you like it.


International Symposium on Fireworks - Malta 2012 - Pyro Schedule

April 22 - 28, 2012 Evening Events

SUNDAY, April 22

21:00 Floriana - A close proximity pyromusical display by FireOne Malta in collaboration with St. Nicholas Fireworks Factory of Siggiewi, Malta, will be held after the Reception next to the beach of the Excelsior Hotel.

Note that the events during the week of April 23 to April 28 are organised by the Ministry for Tourism, the Environment and Culture, Malta Tourism Authority and the Malta ISF Host Committee.

MONDAY, April 23

21:45 - 22:30 Mdina - Pyro-musical displays by

·               Scarpato/PyroDigiT (Italy)

·               Mount Carmel Fireworks Factory (Zurrieq)


18:30 - 23:00 Mellieha - A variety of traditional and unique Maltese fireworks (including daylight (18:30) and night multi-break fireworks (21:00) and mechanised ground fireworks (22:30) held amidst a Maltese Festa ambience). The following Maltese fireworks factories are participating.

·               Independent Fireworks Factory (Qrendi)

·               San Bert Fireworks Factory (Gharghur)

·               St. Michael’s Fireworks Factory (Lija)

·               Lourdes Fireworks Factory (Qrendi)

·               Our Lady of Consolation Fireworks Factory (Gudja)

·               St. Joseph Fireworks Factory (Kirkop)

·               St. Joseph Fireworks Factory (Rabat)

·               St. Catherine’s Fireworks Factory (Zurrieq)

·               St. Catherine’s Fireworks Factory (Zejtun)

·               St. Mary’s Fireworks Factory (Mgarr)

·               St. Mary’s Fireworks Factory (Mqabba)

·               St. Mary’s Fireworks Factory (Ghaxaq)

·               St. Mary’s Fireworks Factory (Mosta)

·               Tal Gilju Fireworks Factory (Mqabba)

·               Ghaqda tan-nar 23 t’April (Qormi)

·               12th May Fireworks Factory (Zebbug)

THURSDAY, April 26

21:00 - 22:30 St. Paul’s Bay / Bugibba Promenade - A variety of Maltese Ground Fireworks that relate to the chronological development of this form of pyrotechnic display from traditional Catherine wheels to mechanised pieces. The following Maltese fireworks factories are participating.

·         St. Joseph Fireworks Factory (Zebbug)

·         St. Mary Fireworks Factory (Mosta)

·         St. Mary Fireworks Factory (Ghaxaq)

·         Our Lady of Consolation Fireworks Factory (Gudja)

·         St. Catherine’s Fireworks Factory (Zurrieq)

·         Lourdes Fireworks Factory (Naxxar)

·         Mount Carmel Fireworks Factory (Zurrieq)

·         San Bert Fireworks Factory (Gharghur)

FRIDAY, April 27

22:00 - 23:00 Valletta Grand Harbour - Pyro-musical and traditional displays

·         Pirico Fireworks (Italy)

·         Ugo Lieto Fireworks (Italy)

·      Grand finale by Lourdes Fireworks Factory of Qrendi (winners of the Malta International Fireworks Festival 2011)

SATURDAY, April 28

19:00 - 22:00 Gharb, Gozo - Traditional Maltese aerial and ground firework displays by Gozitan pyrotechnic factories. (This event is being held concurrently with the village fete known as “Seħer il-Punent”

·         Tal-Virtu Fireworks Factory (San Lawrenz)

·         Fontana Brothers Fireworks Factory (Fontana)

 (thanks to our friend Nick Spiteri Co-Chairman ISF)



John Steinberg dropped by our office - 8th March 2012

At the beginning of this month, we enjoyed a great surprise, the visit of John Steinberg, Ph D. and formerly President of the PGI from 1998 to 2004

Sometimes, people need to meet not just to sell or to buy but to create links and promote the developing of new products and ideas into the pyrotechnics business.

That was the case, John's experience related to Pyro chemistry and to the knowledge of the American market was highly wellcome by the Gamon family.

Both parts showed great interest by promoting new paths of collaboration.

Below you can see some pictures from part of the quick visit to the Gamon Facilities.

At Gamón, after lunch

Jose Maria Paris Jr and John Steinberg

Toni Gamón, Carlos Martí and John Steinberg at the mascletá on main Square Valencia

John, Toni, Fernando Jr, "El Tapi", José María París & Fernando Gamón

Jose Albiach, Master Chef, prepared a great traditional paella


Mascletá P. Peñarroja y comida / Lunch at Gamón

Primer día de Mascletás y primer éxito.
First Mascleta, first great show!

Nuestros grandes amigos de Pirotecnia Peñarroja dispararon la mascletá del día 1 de Marzo en la plaza del Ayuntamiento de Valencia. Tras recibir el reconocimiento de las Falleras Mayores de Valencia y de las autoridades reunidas en el Balcón del Ayuntamiento, se acercaron a nuestras instalaciones para compartir una estupenda paella con la familia Gamón.

Our friends from P. Peñarroja started the "Mascletàs" at main square in Valencia, last March 1st.
After the visit to the Queens of the Fallas and the authorities at the City Hall Balcony, they came to our place to join us for a great "traditional paella" after the great show offered to all citizens and visitors.


Festival de Pirotecnia Valencia 2011 - Plásticos Gamón

El nuevo Concejal de Fiestas y Cultura Popular, D. Francisco Lledó, acompañó a la famila Gamón en el acto.

Este año, el disparo corrió a cargo de las empresas Pirotecnia Turís y APE Parente

Antonio Gamón, ejerciendo las labores de presentador de la jornada.
Fernando Gamón, organizador del evento.

Izaskun Astondoa, Piroteknia Astondoa
Vicente Caballer, Pirotecnia Caballer

Vicente Rodriguez, Pirotecnia Crespo

Salvador Peñalver, Pirotecnia El Gato

Eduard Cunillera, Pirotecnia Gironina

José María Cañete, Pirotecnia Igual

Manuel López, Pirotecnia López

Pirotecnia Manchega

Reyes Martí, Pirotecnia Martí
Pirotecnia Nadal Martí

Pirotecnia Nuestra Señora de Gador

José Manuel Fernández, Pirotecnia Pablo
José Nebot, Pirotecnia Peñarroja

Pedro Fernandez, Pirotecnia Pibierzo

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